February 15, 2023 · Asia Pacific Gaming Crime & Scandals crime fraud

Chinese National Heads to Prison in Singapore Over Gambling Scam

A Chinese subject who scammed ii people in Singapore out of millions of dollars is off to prison. 41-year-old Wu dialect Hong is a “heartless con artist” who led a sham investiture cozenage she told her victims would fund Chinese gamblers coming to the country.

Wu began egg laying the groundwork for her scam inward 2013 when she met her world-class victim, Tam Kwong Yoeng, inwards a bar. However, it would use up another terzetto years before she launched the fraud, which also ensnared a 61-year-old victim, Soh Choon Heong.

The Strait Times reports that Wu dialect began convincing them to paw o'er money in 2016, keeping the artifice sledding until 2019. When she was unable to green goods any returns for the investors, they grew progressively suspicious before eventually contacting the authorities.

The Beginning Of The End

Tam gave upwardly over SGD1.4 trillion (US$1.05 million) o'er the course of the scam, piece Soh turned over SGD734,000 (US$550,133). Some of the money Soh place inward came from her friends, including well-known media personalities.

The strategy involved a tale of play on behalf of unidentified Chinese gamblers for which the investors would invite vast returns. However, clip after time, Wu self-possessed more money without showing any benefits.

Tam admitted that he had been completely fooled past Wu, voluntarily gift upwards the money because he trusted her completely. He never asked for a receipt and, still after he began to produce suspicious, continued to good turn over to a greater extent money.

It wasn’t until his patience wore come out that Tam took action. He began transcription the conversations he had with Wu, which he then turned over to authorities in 2018. At the time, an investigation began, but no more process was taken.

Not until February 2020 did the authorities intervene. That was after Soh came frontwards with her possess claims and Wu dialect finally found herself inward the hands of the police.

Wu appeared in courtyard on charges of fraud, but she claimed that the pair was fabrication and only when trying to put her for crimes she didn’t commit. The jurist didn’t purchase it, finding her hangdog on Little Phoebe charges of fraud.

That led to a take back stumble to a courtroom this week. Wu appeared for her sentencing, where the try called her a “heartless con artist” who deserves to live behind bars.

That’s where she’ll live for the next 12 years. It could hold been worse, as from each one fraud level carries a upper limit penalty of 10 years inwards prison house and pecuniary fines.

Loot Box Lust

It isn’t uncommon for fraudsters to apply the allurement of gaming to concoct fraudulent schemes. What’s uncommon, though, is someone as offspring as 16 having the mental capacity to come it.

That’s the story of an unidentified 16-year-old inward Singapore Island who scammed his friends out of money. He told them he had a lot of money inwards cryptocurrency investments, and that he could aid them doh the same.

He was capable to convince his friends to springiness him SGD330,000 (US$248,884), which he spent gambling online and buying plunder boxes in picture games. That was fivesome years ago, and the scammer finally appeared in lawcourt last-place year to resolve for his crimes.

He initially faced 84 charges, but pleaded guilty to three. Because of his age, he is only if serving a short stint of a brace of years in prison, avoiding the maximum penalty he could hold received.

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