December 13, 2023 · Commercial Gaming Mobile Gaming european gaming italy regulations

Gambling Ads Lead to Fines for Twitch, YouTube in Italy

The Italian Authority for the Guarantee of Communications (Agcom, for its Italian acronym) has slapped material fines on Google and Twitch, totaling to a greater extent than €3 zillion (US$3.23 million). The penalty is for breaches of regulations that prohibit the advertising of gambling in the country.

Google’s YouTube received the biggest fine and faces a penalty of €2.25 jillion (US$2.42 million). Twitch, which has tried to shy outside from hosting gambling content, testament have to make up €900,000 (US$970,470).

This isn’t the world-class clip that Agcom has targeted Google. The communications and advertising watchdog fined it €1.45 gazillion (US$1.47 million) a year and a half ago. However, a lawcourt struck cut down the fine this yesteryear September.

20,000 Gambling Promotions

Agcom launched investigations against the two platforms, along with a tertiary against TikTok, inward response to legion(p) complaints it had received. The government agency identified to a greater extent than 80 YouTube and Twitch channels that featured more than 20K videos promoting slot machines, games of chance, sports betting, and scratch-off cards.

Both companies were held accountable as owners of the media that disseminated the videos published past third parties below specific commercial connexion contracts. Italia has had a ban on gaming advertising for more than 4 years.

After Agcom’s intervention, the platforms took down pat(p) the illicit content. They were also instructed to keep hereafter similar publications inward adherence to the European Union’s Digital Services Regulation (DSA). That counselling forces tech companies to provide improve oversight of their platforms to prevent exposure to questionable stuff by children and teens.

TikTok could have got faced a similar response from Agcom. However, upon reviewing the published material, Agcom concluded that the gaming content was independent of any agreement 'tween TikTok and the mental object providers. Consequently, Agcom closed the grammatical case without imposing a fine.

Clamping John L. H. Down on Social Media

Just same in other countries, things are sledding to get under one's skin tougher for social media platforms inwards Italy. The rural area has granted the greenish calorie-free to new regulations aimed at safeguarding children online. The regulations specifically point major picture platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok, and are countersink to follow enforced starting Jan 8 of next year.

The regulations, as outlined by the guard dog in a statement, authorization tech companies follow more stringent measures against videos that may pose a danger to underage users. This specifically targets content spreading spiritual and ethnic hatred, on with promoting online racial and sexual attacks. The revised lawmaking also covers various other potentially harmful and illegal content.

Under these regulatory measures, Agcom now possesses the authorisation to read decisive sue against picture platforms in the event of violations. Notably, these laws reach out to digital platforms based inward other EU countries. Before these rules are enforced, the Italian regulator must refer with the national authorities of the respective country.

If the actions taken past that sanction give way to satisfy Agcom, it retains the redress to proceed with the takedown asking flat with the platform. This stair underscores Italy’s inscription to enhancing tyke safety on popular video-sharing platforms, ensuring that tech companies are held accountable for mental object that may pose harm or regard illegal activities for offspring users.

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