July 30, 2022 · Las Vegas Lottery Arizona California

Mega Millions $1.28B Jackpot Leading Hopeful Nevadans to Buy Tickets

Many Silver State residents are head out-of-state to purchase Mega Millions tickets. That despite the fact they unrecorded inwards a gambling mecca, and the odds of winning the $1.28 one thousand million (and growing) drawing jackpot on Friday are 1 inward 303 million.

Nevada does non sell lottery tickets. But residents get along non hold to hop-skip on a planing machine to acquire someplace where they canful purchase them.

Mega Millions tickets are sold inwards butt on towns inwards California and Arizona. One popular destination is the Lotto Store in Primm, Calif. It had long lines of customers on Thursday, given that it is a sane 44 miles from Las Vegas.

Hopeful just the ticket purchaser Jacques Maxey was among those in line. He told the Las Vegas Review-Journal that he, his wife, and two of his four children drove chisel to the stock on Thursday.

If he wins, he wants a unexampled house, young car, and money to pop a new business.

Many of those ready and waiting(p) to purchase drawing tickets were posing inward folding chairs under umbrellas to remain in the shade, and had fans running to cool spicy temperatures.

Gazillion to 1 Odds

Albert Edwards Jr. admitted his betting odds of winning are “a gazillion to 1,” the Review-Journal reported. But his shirt told everything.

It was a “WELCOME TO IMPOSSIBLE” Golden Knights frappe hockey T-shirt.

The lottery is e'er a right opportunity, and Las Vegas is e'er a ripe station for a long-shot to compensate off,” Edwards told the Review-Journal.

If he wins, Jonathan Edwards testament pay turned what he owes on his house. He would also deal some of the dirty money with his fivesome children, VI grandchildren, and I great-grandchild.

Logan Teeter, an EMT who resides in Clark County, has a to a greater extent strategic come on to the payout if he wins. He would go game for the $650 billion lump sum.

“I’d read the lump total and set it all in investments or nest egg and receive a money manager,” Teeter revealed to the Review-Journal.

Lines are picking upwardly now. Also, I’m told the stack away is CLOSING at twelve noon today!! Get here ahead of time for a chance at the

@News3LV pic.twitter.com/HZaG2An15L

— Kyle Wilcox (@KyleNews3LV) July 29, 2022

Another soul inwards rail line was Debra Mary Martin of Las Vegas. She was wearing a yellowed T-shirt with the pop characters from the “Golden Girls” TV show. She was provision to purchase half a dozen tickets. What is her lottery philosophy?

Don’t pay up. You can buoy always try again and buy to a greater extent tickets,” Martin told the newspaper.

If Steve Martin wins, she testament springiness money to her relatives, travel, and donate to Tennessee’s St. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. It is best known for its efforts to care for children with cancer.

High Gas Prices

Nevada prohibits the cut-rate sale of lottery tickets. Some of those who drove to CA pointed come out the high up cost of gas when impulsive to out-of-state locations.

It stinks that NV makes us parkway all the right smart to Calif. for drawing tickets since gas costs so much,” Ricardo Pasadas told the Review-Journal. He has impelled to Primm triad times in the last-place ii decades to purchase lottery tickets.

Other options to buy tickets are inward AZ near the border. Many Silver State residents this hebdomad went to T. H. White Hills, Ariz.’s “Arizona Last Stop” shop.

One soul in business line in that location was Gayle Rauch of Southern Highlands, Nev. She called the jackpot “life-changing money.”

Hoping to Donate to Charity

If she wins, she testament donate to charity. “Because it’s too a great deal money,” Rauch told KLAS, a Las Vegas TV station.

Similarly, Krystyna Arusztowitz of Las Vegas said she just now wants “a small bit.” She wants to enjoyment a lot of the money to “help people around the world, especially the Ukrainian people. It’s so sad to insure the kids and the clean-handed people,” she told KLAS.

The Mega Millions numbers will follow drawn at 8 pm (PT) 11 pm (ET) tonight. Up for grabs is the second-largest jackpot in its more than 20-year history. Mega Millions is played inwards 45 states, plus Washington, DC and the US Virgin Islands.

If no more single wins, look on out for more lines at the Lotto Store or drawing locations in Arizona. The next drafting after this evening is Tuesday.

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