Norwegian Media Authority cracks down on foreign gambling ads

The Norwegian Media Authority has ordered the nation’s five largest TV distributors to remove advertising from foreign gambling companies

The Norse Media Authority has ordered the nation’s cinque largest TV distributors to remove advertising from strange gambling companies.

This comes amid a general crackdown on gambling ads inwards the Scandinavian language country after an investigating finally yr uncovered “massive and serious” breaches on Discovery Network channels FEM, MAX, VOX and Eurosport Norway.

Telenor, Telia, Altibox, RiksTV and Allente get all been instructed to exercise their agreements with Discovery to ensure that “television broadcasts get along non hold marketing for gaming that is prohibited in Norway.”

The deadline for this is 15 August, and nonstarter to perform so will top to “significant financial reactions.” The Media Authority stated: “It should non make up to contradict the order.”

In the Nordic country, the governing exercises a res publica monopoly on gambling, with Norway’s gaming practice of law administered past the Norwegian Lotteries Authority.

Under this law, publicizing from unlicensed operators is prohibited, motivated past “the desire to protect people with gambling problems.”

Nevertheless, the Norwegian Media Authority claims the state has seen “large amounts of play advertising” on TV, primarily from “foreign players.”

But empowered past a Jan 2021 amendment to the nation’s Broadcasting Act, the Media Authority at present has the power to monastic order TV distributors to prevent or do it hard for unlicensed gaming companies to marketplace their products or services in Norway.

“Overall, the Norseman Media Authority’s enforcement of the provisions of the Broadcasting Act, the Lottery Authority’s in effect(p) enforcement of the defrayment serving censor and fill up followup against platforms such as Google and Facebook, make up foreign companies’ get at to the Norseman market more and more difficult,” wrote Mari Velsand, Director of the Norse Media Authority.

“It is a desired development, which bon ton benefits from – and to the highest degree of all the vulnerable among us.”