YGAM Chief Executive Lee Willows to step down

Lee Willows, the Founder and Chief Executive of the Young Gamers and Gamblers Education Trust (YGAM), will leave the organisation at the end of October 2021

Lee Willows, the Founder and Chief Executive of the Pres Young Gamers and Gamblers Education Trust (YGAM), testament result the organisation at the last of Oct 2021.

Willows has led the brotherly love since its inception in 2014, when he founded the trust alongside Anne and Keith Evans, with all tierce having experienced gambling-related harms.

During his seven-year tenure, Willows has overseen considerable growth, with the charity establishing itself as a leader in the gambling harm prevention space.

“It has been a favor to track this amazing charity for septenary unbelievable years,” said Willows. “In 2014, I was set to employment my experiences of gambling harm to create a prescribed drive for goodness and focalise our efforts on evidence-led educational activity and prevention.

“We hold since highly-developed a portfolio of award-winning programmes that are now serving to safeguard offspring people inward every neighborhood of England, Wales and Northern Ireland.”

Willows believes that, as YGAM is entering its third strategic cycle, at present is a unspoiled clip for him to stair aside, thanking his co-founders and expressing his maximum funding for the organisation’s futurity plans.

“With the eternal funding and inscription of my co-founders Anne and Keith Evans, I have got been on an sinful personal journey, and I experience passing proud of what we and the faculty squad have got achieved together.

“This is a special charity and 1 that has exciting plans for the future. i will e'er passionately livelihood the exceptional faculty squad and i looking at frontward to seeing what they canful reach next.”

Head of Finance Helen St. Martin has been decreed COO and will make on additional responsibilities until a young Chief Executive has been hired, with the charity’s main(a) Board of Trustees to annunciate further details on the recruitment process in due course.

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